What's happening with the refugees
in Sangatte?
Calais (France), 12 and 13 October 2000
This report on the situation at Sangatte is the result of an investigation
by several French NGOs the CCFD (Catholic Committee against
Hunger and for Development), Cimade (Ecumenical Aid Association), Gisti
(Information and Support Group for Immigrants), SAF (Union of French
Lawyers), and SM (Union of French Judges). They visited the Sangatte
camp and talked with officials there, as well as with local community
groups and local authorities, such as the prefect, the state prosecutor,
the chief judge of Boulogne and immigration police.
When the weather is fine, you can see the English coast. Huge ferries
go back and forth across the Channel all the time.
Dozens of foreigners are hanging around, silently watching and dreaming,
hoping to find any way they can to cross to England with
the help of small-time smugglers using their own cars, lorry drivers
who they sometimes pay, or using the ferry or the train, or even by
walking through the tunnel.
The French border police do not check on foreigners much. The Calais
harbour authorities have become much stricter however and getting over
to the other side is increasingly hard. But economics intervenes. There
is fierce competition between the various ports. With such a high volume
of traffic, too many checks would slow down all the ships and trains.
So they are only casual and nearly all the foreigners eventually manage
to get across.
But they have to wait. A year ago, it took about a week of trying every
night to find a way over. These days, it's about three weeks. The would-be
migrants, who have come via Belgium or Italy, are stuck on the coast
after their long trip. This absurd situation led to the opening of a
camp at Sangatte where they could stay.
The Sangatte camp
We prefer the word "camp" to "centre" because of the living conditions
there and its doubtful legal status. Its only precedent is perhaps the
Spanish Republican camps in the 1930s. It was opened at the end of September
1999 by the French government after a succession of problems and efforts
by local authorities.
Concern about the situation began growing from about 1986, when a small
number of foreigners were trying to reach England and getting turned
back. Most were Vietnamese and Pakistani. After 1990 and the fall of
the Berlin Wall, Poles and then other Eastern European began to arrive,
along with Sri Lankan Tamils.
In 1994, a small group called "La Belle Etoile" founded in Calais by
an Amnesty International campaigner, became one of the first to call
attention to these "refugees," especially the Poles, who were being
turned back by the British authorities even though they did not need
a visa.
In October 1997, about 40 Gypsies from Czech Republic who had asked
for asylum and been turned back by the British installed themselves
near the tunnel terminal. In December, an emergency committee to help
them was set up by charity groups. After negotiations, Britain agreed
to take half the Gypsies.
In October 1998, young Kosovars fleeing the Serbian army arrived.
That winter, they and others crammed into the ferry terminal, their
only shelter from the cold. In February 1999, whole families began arriving
from Kosovo. The charity groups provided them with food and blankets
and persuaded the authorities to open a warehouse where they could stay
at night.
The first camp lasted only a month. Every night, about 200 foreigners
arrived, 80% of them Kosovars and many of them wives and children wanting
to join a father or a husband already in Britain.
On 4 June 1999, the local authorities suddenly closed the warehouse.
At two days notice, more than 200 people were thrown onto the streets
of Calais. They settled in parks, especially one near the town hall,
the Parc Saint-Pierre, which became a shanty town.
Alerted by a European "Green" MP, the authorities "discovered" the
settlement and this led to the opening of a centre at Sangatte. It lasted
only 10 days. But pressure from the charity groups led to the opening
of the present camp on 24 September 1999.
Since the end of the Yugoslav crisis, the Kosovars have been replaced
by Iraqis, Iranians, Turks (mainly Kurds), Afghans, Sri Lankans, Poles
and Romanians. People from elsewhere will turn up when wars and dictatorships
toss them out onto the road and the oceans.
A big shelter for misfortune
The camp is a huge corrugated-iron warehouse, 25,000 sq metres in
area, half a kilometre from the small seaside resort of Sangatte. Once
used for storing materials to build the Channel Tunnel, it now "receives"
the foreigners who wander up and down the coast.
The cost of running the camp, including wages for 35 permanent
staff, is covered by the French labour and solidarity ministry's population
and migration division. The French Red Cross runs it day-to-day. Former
Red Cross workers have been hired on renewable three-month contracts
and a manager has been appointed.
To live in the camp, you simply ask for a bed. There is no register.
Prefabricated metal sheds and tents have been set up in the warehouse.
Conditions are spartan and there is no privacy. There are 18 sheds,
each with 30 beds, making a total of 540 plus 150 more
in tents a total of 700 beds. There is room for more, but
the director admits that 5000 people could be housed, not that he wants
that to happen. The camp perhaps has a bright future ahead of it. In
its first year, 16,000 people have been accommodated, most of whom have
then managed to cross the Channel.
The food is adequate and 2,400 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
are served each day. They are prepared in Lille and warmed up at the
camp. Basic facilities are provided a clinic, showers, toilets,
laundry but the "guests" live rather like dogs or cats in
luxurious kennels. Living in the warehouse is much better than living
outside, as was happening for several years, but it's still the life
of a camp.
Public order, human management
and token control of numbers
At the camp entrance, there is always a police car. Every day, after 4 pm,
many camp residents, usually by themselves but sometimes with their family,
walk away towards the coast, towards Calais in the hope of finding a night
passage, either paid for to a smuggler or clandestine, but always illegal.
Dozens of them leave in groups from the camp under the benevolent eye
of the police. These foreigners may well disappear. Nobody knows them.
Some will be back the next day, having failed to get across the Channel.
Every day new ones replace those who have made it the previous day.
When the camp was opened, it had 200 foreigners. By the end of
the year there were 400. The average now is 700, with sometimes as many
as 1,000.
The police in front of the camp do not check anyone's papers except
the passengers of cars with non-local registration plates as part of
a drive against organised people-smuggling. They will sometimes even
give foreigners a lift to the camp if they find them in town or on the
road during an identity check or if they just been released from a detention
centre at nearby Coquelles.
The "camp" was set up in response to a humanitarian need and at the
request of charity groups, but also to what is perceived as a threat
to public order. There is local resentment of the foreigners, even though
their presence has been a boon to the town's small businesses. An anti-foreigner
committee has been set up, and a successful boycott of the five year
term for the president of the French republic referendum (24 September
2000) was organised as a protest against situation.
The camp is also part of France's attempt to be a good European Union
partner to Britain by appearing to make its borders secure against illegal
immigration. But Britain is opposed to the Sangatte camp.
There is no formal punishment for unauthorised immigrants, but makeshift
action is taken to discourage. A large number of people 14,840
were questioned in the course of September 2000 but only a few of these
were detained. Of these, only a small number were sent away from the
area. Passengers hidden in lorries are detected through the presence
of carbon dioxide so as to delay their crossing. Small-time people-smugglers
are caught (mostly British between January and September
2000, 139 were convicted and mostly given six-month jail sentences.
Some refugees were detained, others sent back to European countries
they had passed through before reaching France. Ten to 15% are deported
from France, according to local officials.
The prefect (governor) of the department (province), who was appointed
three months after the camp opened and is a former national head of
defence and civil security, admits that nothing can stop people getting
through. The state prosecutor says there is no question of sending Iranians,
Afghans, Somalis or Iraqis back to their countries. "It's also my
job to see that foreigners are safe", he says.
The camp has only one staff member to help the refugees with their
legal problems and he is a young man who is not a lawyer and has no
training in the laws concerning foreigners. He often has to ask officials
at the prefecture for advice.
It is hard to say how many of those passing through the camp would,
if they had a choice, seek asylum in France rather than Britain. Many
have relatives already living in Britain and others want to go to Canada.
But they know their chances in France would be slim and barely 0.01%
of those in the camp seek asylum (combined refugee and territorial asylum
Sangatte proves the need for
a proper immigration policy based on freedom
of movement and the right of asylum
The conclusion of our investigation is the same as that of everyone on
the spot in Sangatte. The unanimous opinion of the prefect, the state
prosecutor, the administrator of the camp and of the detention centre
and the local charity groups points to solutions to a situation that is
a humanitarian disaster with a legal facade. But these solutions are not
being applied. The presence of thousands of undocumented foreigners is
tolerated by keeping them undocumented.
France (and other European countries) do not want to resolve the following
contradictions :
Foreigners passing through Boulogne and Calais are virtually all
genuinely fleeing repression. International law protects their flight
and allows them to seek refuge abroad where they must seek official
protection, under the Geneva convention on refugees and the European
Convention on human rights.
By closing their borders in line with European Union policy, EU
countries are blocking any permanent immigration of people, including
those fleeing persecution.
Since foreigners determined to emigrate eventually succeed, closing
borders just makes them dependent on immigration racketeers and
other crooks who take advantage of the border-closure policy.
Such violation of international refugee protection law means that
instead of constructively cooperating on a European-wide scale,
such countries compete to defend themselves by pushing their deportees
onto their neighbours after failing to stop them entering in the
first place.
- This inability capacity to take into account both the situation
and present law leads to simple camps being opened for refugees. In
Sangatte, and also in Melilla, Ceuta and any where that geography
gives refugees a greater chance of fleeing.
See Facts
about a non-policy
What can be done in Sangatte-Boulogne-Calais and elsewhere?
Housing the would-be official refugees in the Sangatte camp is certainly
better than letting them wander around outside, as the French authorities
had been doing since 1986, when the illegal crossings started. But apart
from the fact that such housing is scandalous, the situation is quite
The camp is likely to explode eventually under pressure from the constantly-growing
number of foreigners if the people there are not treated as the refugees
they are. The scandal of the tens of thousands of foreigners there and
in Boulogne and Calais has arisen because everyone thinks their flight
is legitimate but nobody either in France or the countries they have
passed through to reach it wants to grant them the asylum they deserve.
It is clear that if they could obtain it from these countries, many
would not try to get to Britain.
The EU aim of an agreement on minimal rights to asylum is neither acceptable
nor realistic. The only realistic thing is to do what member-states
have promised to do by ratifying international agreements, which is
to let political refugees move freely, take them in and give them protection
when they ask for it.
Since the Dublin Convention, which sets the rules about which EU country
is to examine an asylum claim, each country has been doing its best
to fob off as many immigrants as possible on its neighbours. France
is trying to make the crossing more difficult so foreigners will go
to Belgium or the Netherlands to try to get across to England. It would
be less hypocritical and more effective to create positive cooperation
between countries. This approach would, as well as protecting the refugees,
make for a more even sharing out of political refugees among EU countries.
In France, there is no alternative to starting hearings of applications
for asylum for all who seek it and also to changing the French definition
of asylum. Ninety per cent of refugee applications were rejected in
France in 1998, along with 94 per cent of applications for territorial
The real alternative to the band-aid approach of Sangatte is, short
of making the area into a new Gibraltar, for France and Britain to sit
down and work out how they can receive in a proper manner the refugees
seeking to make the crossing. Such an agreement could be the prelude
to an accord between EU countries to share the responsibility of taking
in persecuted people from the outside world.
About 40,000 foreigners travel from Calais to England each year in
the hope of getting asylum.
About 85% of them are from countries where the situation is so bad
that sending them back is unthinkable in the opinion of all officials
involved. Mostly these are Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians. Before were the
Kosovars. Almost all of them manage to get to England even if it takes
them an average of three weeks now, compared with three days a few months
ago. Reliable sources put the number of illegal crossings at between
50 and 250 a day, with an average of 110.
The checks of foreigners cannot be effective because of the situation
in the countries they are fleeing from. Between January and September
2000, fewer than 1,000 people were detained out of 15,000 questioned
and very few of those were deported to their country of origin.
The Sangatte camp was opened to prevent the refugees having to live
in inhuman conditions and to avoid xenophobic reactions from ordinary
French people. In its 16 months of existence, it has sheltered 16,000
people and sometimes as many as 1,000 a day.

Dernière mise à jour :
2-01-2001 11:19.
Cette page : https://www.gisti.org/doc/actions/2000/sangatte/synthese.en.html